Mood Board / Music Journeys

A thousand dreams within me softly burn. –Arthur Rimbaud

A Visual Inspiration and Music Archive

Curated by Owner + Creative Director, Margo Breznik

Can you hear the music? Can you feel the magic hangin' in the air ? Listen Here > Spotify

All photos are credited unless unknown; click to enlarge for photo acknowledgement.



Photograph by Anisa Sabet
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Alec Banks Interiors VIA Kind of Luxe
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The Beatles Rishikesh
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Eileen Gray VIA Colin King VIA Bard Grad Center  Of decorative arts & design history
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Jean-Michel Basquiat in his Soho Studio, 1982

Photographed by Gianfranco Gorgoni @ Maya Gorgoni

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Mick & Keith
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A Dream of Love Via Line Dot Area
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2250 results